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Holy Mary – Art Style


SKU: 100287

Holy Mary Art Style, a sculpture of ash and walnut wood, handcrafted, hand-painted.
Her peculiarity are the hidden lines of the face, more specifically those of the eyes, nose and mouth, this to highlight the feelings released when looking at the statue.

The main feature lays in the centrality of the Jesus baby in our lives. Jesus is placed in the center of Mary’s body, she in turn spreads her arms to shelter Jesus in her love.

In this simple representation, Jesus is designed with open arms and the shape of his body reminds us a cross or a Franciscan Tau.
A representation that captures the heart and reminds us that belief is essential, thus nothing is needed other than prayers and a heart that listens and desires love.

Despite being a simple sculpture, a great know how is involved in the selection of colors and shades.



natural, painted


ash tree, walnut-wood